Intuitive health coaching for your mind, body, and soul

Where science meets woo

Are you having anxieties around food and movement?

You’re not alone, and you’re in the right place.

Here’s the thing: most people have no idea how good their body is designed to feel. They’re running on autopilot – downing that extra coffee, working harder, and pushing through. But bloating, afternoon crashes, and hangriness aren’t “normal”.

These are signals from your body that your lifestyle is misaligned with your needs – mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

The good news: the science of nutrition, and how it impacts the mind and body, can help explain what’s happening behind the scenes, and help us course correct.


Wellness Retreats

My name is Tia, and I work with women just like you.

For decades I struggled with choosing what to put on my plate. I needed to perform as an athlete, but I was so focused on fitting into the idea of a “perfect” body that I couldn’t seem to actually take care of mine.

In my mind, I thought “I’m not sick enough to need help”, but the cues my body was sending me were saying otherwise. After ignoring these for so long, I simply couldn’t anymore. Heart palpitations turned into a gift that forced me to stop and get back in touch with me.

To lift the hood and understand what was going on inside of my mind and body – and why. To examine and reevaluate what I needed and what I didn’t.

That was 8 years ago. Now I'm a certified health coach and movement specialist dedicated to helping women rediscover their love for their bodies.

I'll teach you how to listen to your body's signals, make peace with food, and find joy in movement. With my background in dance, yoga, and health coaching, I've got the tools to help you feel amazing inside and out.

What clients are saying